TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblywoman Aura Dunn has expressed frustration with the Division of Taxation’s response to inquiries regarding the state’s new Anchor property tax relief program. Her office in Chester has received numerous calls from constituents struggling to file for the tax relief by the December 29 deadline. Dunn has pointed out that both residents and her staff have been unable to establish direct contact with the Anchor hotline agents.
Dunn (R-Morris) compared the situation to the Labor Department’s unemployment issues, criticizing the lack of live support from the Division of Taxation or Department of Treasury. She emphasized the need for a responsive and accessible state agency, especially for seniors who rely on these services.
The Anchor program, agreed upon by Gov. Phil Murphy and legislative Democrats, aims to increase benefits for senior homeowners and renters. Homeowners aged 65 and older with annual incomes up to $150,000 are eligible for $1,750, while those earning between $150,000 and $250,000 can receive $1,250. Senior renters in the same income bracket are eligible for $700 checks.
From December 24, 2023