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Dunn pushes for mandatory upgrades at veterans homes following federal investigation findings


TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblywoman Aura Dunn is calling on legislative leaders to post a bill she cosponsors requiring upgrades to the state-run veterans homes at Menlo Park and Paramus following the U.S. Department of Justice’s scathing report detailing inadequate infection control and medical care at the facilities Thursday. 

New Jersey’s veterans are dying from careless leadership. It is a disgrace that veterans who made tremendous sacrifices are forced to live in such unacceptable conditions at our state-run veterans homes,” Dunn (R-Morris) said. “The DOJ’s findings should light a fire under all members of the Legislature to pass laws that will serve to protect these honorable men and women. Mandating safer facilities for our veterans is a good first step.”

The bill (A4923), which passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee in March, requires the Paramus and Menlo Park veterans' homes to convert a portion of the building into single occupancy rooms and make upgrades to the ventilation systems to meet infection control standards. 

“It is clear that this administration continues to ignore the rampant deficiencies at these facilities and that is why veterans are still falling victim to avoidable tragedies. New Jersey owes it to our veterans to do better,” Dunn said. 




Ron Gravino, Treasurer

PO Box 999, Edison, NJ 08818

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